Bibione: the smoke-free beach

There’s some big news in Bibione this year! The Veneto beach has banned smoking all along the seafront, including under the umbrellas. After eight years of trials, the local council has decided to make the coast smoke-free so that all tourists can enjoy the benefits of a clean beach and healthy sea air.

Bibione: the smoke-free beach

Bibione: the smoke-free beach

As well as keeping the sand clean and free of cigarette butts, the aim behind the scheme is to protect the marine ecosystem (it takes cigarette butts no fewer than 10 years to break down in the sea!) and ensure that everyone – and especially children – can breathe clean air.

The fact that Bibione is now smoke-free reinforces its image as an ideal beach resort for families who want to spend healthy time outdoors.

For years now, it has catered to the needs of tourists looking for Italian service and authenticity, with the added delights of accessible greenery.

Bibione: the smoke-free beach

Bibione: the smoke-free beach

In addition, the large number of sporting events associated with Bibione means that it sets a great example for all-round healthy living: sport, wholesome fun, a smoke-free approach and love for the natural surroundings.

Sport has reigned supreme in Bibione for years: the fantastic beach volleyball courts that host two big events every year, the resort’s flagship pedestrian and cycle path (whose blend of length and accessibility is unparalleled in Italy) and the wide range of sporting activities on offer in the sea (including canoeing, kayaking, windsurfing and kitesurfing) mean that it has something to suit all tastes and all those who cannot wait to enjoy a little healthy, well-deserved fun and relaxation on holiday.

Bibione strives to satisfy all of its guests. Although the beach is now smoke-free, 41 furnished areas where you can smoke in the shade are dotted all along the coastline at the back of the sand, behind the umbrellas.

Go green. Go to Bibione!

Bibione: the smoke-free beach


Find out the events and the activities in the surrounding area

Sport, events and tours for an unforgettable holiday

September Fest

The Party for the end of the summer in Bibione

Where Bibione When 10 sep 2025 - 12 sep 2025